Don't Fall For The Hard Sell!
I've watched numerous Youtube videos of "successful entrepreneurs" who just want to help little guys like us make our fortune too.
It all sounds so reasonable. Their testimonials make so much sense.
Unfortunately, I've noticed that there are quite a lot of "gurus" out there who are big on emotion, and hard-sell tactics when it comes to getting someone like me to part with my hard earned cash to join their seminars, or buy their inexpensive, step-by-step, how-to ebooks. The questions then become: Are they really making their money off of their self-branded products on Amazon? Or, are they making their real fortune selling hopes and dreams to the masses?
I watched a "live podcast" a couple of weeks ago that I signed up for because I saw the guy's ad on Youtube. I figured watching and listening wouldn't cost me anything but time. He was going to give simple, step-by-step instructions on how to do the whole affiliate marketing thing by buying targeted facebook ads at $5 per day to start (granted he omitted the expense involved in setting up a personal website - minimum $29 per month for an ecommerce site on most of the reputable providers). His ploy was to give you basic instructions that anyone could follow, but to "Guarantee" that you'd make $10,000 your first 90 days using his system "IF" you followed every instruction to the letter.
If you failed to follow any of his company's instructions the first 90 days you forfeited the "Guarantee."
I am so glad that I learned what a "hard-sell" tactic was long ago. He spent the first hour of what I later learned (through a bit of online investigating)was a ***pre-recorded "live" podcast (I'll explain this shortly)using the emotional "my life used to suck way worse than yours, but now I'm a millionaire and don't have to do much of anything to keep the cash rolling in forever wouldn't you love to be just like me now?" story. Anything that beats the crap out of your emotions and desires for an entire hour non stop is definitely a "hard-sell" tactic. Then he proceeded to offer the basic info. The entire time you have the opportunity to spend a paltry $99 on his company's training system - that guarantees you $10,000 in 90 days.
According to my research the $99 program leads to various "upgrades." By the time you get anywhere near the 90 day goal you've already invested at least $1,000. If you refuse the upgrades you forfeit your guarantee.
Oh - another kicker - one of your first assignments is to create a testimonial video for their company about how their program completely changed your life (supposedly to psyche yourself up and get that winner mentality).
Long story short: DO NOT FALL FOR THE HARD SELL!
Don't let some overly emotional, pie in the sky, hard sell overwhelm your judgement. If it sounds too good to be true... you know the rest.
***BTW- The pre-recorded "Live Podcast" scam.
When you sign on to the "Live" podcast it LOOKS like it is actually happening.
When you sign on to the "Live" podcast it LOOKS like it is actually happening.
You can even type in questions of your own. The guy answers various questions throughout - NOT YOURS. Of course, there are just so many, many questions coming through that it is perfectly reasonable to expect that yours would not be one specifically answered. There just isn't time to answer EVERY question. If you sign up under another email to watch the next "Live" podcast advertised by this same guy in this same way you will see the EXACT same podcast as before. The same people will be asking the same questions. He will answer the same questions. He will award the alleged Amazon gift cards offered as a "door prize" for those who watch all the way through to the same exact people (who likely never existed the first go round). Oh, he also throws in an extra $10 Amazon gift card just for the heck of it. Too bad YOU didn't win. But what great fortune for the ones who did.
It's a SCAM.
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